Please contact me at if we may assist you with any grant opportunities.
Sorry it has been a while since I posted, but these two are great opportunities for the right organization. In particular, for any organization that is interested in the Cultural exchange with Honduras/Guatemala/Brazil/Mexico (see the link), I will offer a 10% discount:
Congressionally Mandated: One-time Grants Program - Competition B - Professional, Cultural, and Youth One-time Grants Program
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs seeks grant proposals that support two-way exchanges for one of the following three different groups: Emerging Youth Leaders, Emerging Young Professionals, and Emerging Cultural Leaders. Program development should begin by September 2008, with most exchange activities scheduled to take place in calendar year 2009, and continuing into 2010. These projects should be completed in less than two years. Eligible applicants include: Public, Private, State controlled institutions of higher education; and Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education. Award ceiling: $500,000. Application deadline: April 24, 2008.
Congressionally Mandated: One-time Grants Program for Academic Programs
The Office of Academic Programs of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces a competition for grants to support exchanges and build relationships between America and people of other countries. These projects are designed to engage non-traditional participants and underserved groups, including the economically disadvantaged in the U.S. and overseas. The activities are designed to complement on-going ECA exchange programs, and to focus on exchanges with the developing world, serving audiences who do not have access to other exchange programs. The concepts involve community college students, undergraduates, teachers and junior faculty. Eligible applicants include: Public, Private, State controlled institutions of higher education; and Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education. Award ceiling: $2,200,000. Application deadline: April 24, 2008.
Staples Foundation for Learning Supports Education and Job Skills Programs
The mission of Staples Foundation for Learning is to provide funding to programs that support or provide job skills and/or education for all people, with a special emphasis on disadvantaged youth. Eligible organizations must: have a nonprofit tax-exempt classification under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and align with Staples Foundation for Learning's mission and give focus on job skills and education. Award ceiling: $25,000. Application deadline: June 16, and October 24, 2008.
Reader's Digest Foundation
The Reader's Digest Foundation has announced that it will donate a total of $1 million to non-profit organizations through a new initiative called "Make it Matter." Grants will be inspired by individuals who are taking action and giving back to their communities in significant ways. Every month, the foundation will select one individual's story of good deeds done and grant $100,000 to a nonprofit organization in honor of that individual. Reader's Digest magazine will then feature that person in its new column, "Make it Matter." Submissions for "Make it Matter" will be accepted by the foundation on a rolling basis throughout 2008.
Local Store Grants Program
Target Corporation's Local Store Grants provide funding support to Target communities in the areas of arts, reading programs, and family violence prevention. To be eligible, organizations must be located in communities where Target does business. Grants will be awarded to nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, schools, libraries, or public agencies for nonprofit programs that impact arts, early childhood reading, or family violence prevention. Arts grants are awarded to programs that bring the arts to schools or make the arts accessible to children and families. Early childhood reading grants support programs that foster a love of reading and encourage children, from birth through age nine, to read together with their families. Family violence prevention grants support programs that strengthen families and communities by keeping them safe. Support will be awarded for projects or programs. The average grant amount is between $1,000 and $3,000. For communities offering unique opportunities outside the scope of the program's focus areas, Target provides each store limited funds for Target GiftCard donations. GiftCard donations are available March through December, as funding permits. Application deadline: May 31, 2008.