Monday, April 21, 2008

Link Love

Sorry for the editorial intrusion, but I wanted our subscribers and readers to notice two new features on the right sidebar.
Under the category "Links for Non-Profits," I will be starting a running list of links to funders and other resources that are featured in our posts to provide a convenient reference. So if you meant to check out that great grant opportunity you saw a couple of posts ago, you can easily find the link on the sidebar list.
Under the category "Visit these Non-Profits," I will link out to any non-profit organization that sends me an email to This will give your organization greater internet visibility and (hopefully) new visitors and supporters! If you would like to link back to me too, please add to your website or blog. Simply Grant Writing regularly lists on the first page of Google for the search terms "miami non-profit grant writer" and "miami non-profit grant writing."
Feel free to check out the other items on the sidebar and support our advertisers (now listed between every post) to help keep this site free.