Friday, December 28, 2007

Upcoming Grant Opportunities


Capezio Ballet Makers Dance Foundation Offers Grants for Dance
Deadline: April 1, annually
The Capezio Ballet Makers Dance Foundation ( ) offers grants to fund dance and certain other national, state, and local organizations that provide essential services to the field.
The foundation offers support for not-for profit, tax-exempt, national, regional, state, and local dance service and other org- anizations (e.g., festivals, councils, alliances, associations, guilds, art centers) whose programs and activities have a broad and significant impact on the field; unusual and imaginative efforts that clearly demonstrate and promote the value of the art form in all of its manifestations (e.g., ballet, modern, avant-garde, ethnic, show-dance, jazz, tap); programs or projects that bring together different interest groups to share informa- tion, strengthen management practices, solve common problems, and improve communications; and special pilot projects that meet clearly identified and unmet needs, and that have the potential to provide a model for the field.
Most grants range from $500 to $1,000 each, and the foundation will consider requests for program, project, and general oper- ating support only.
Visit the Capezio Ballet Makers Web site for complete grant guidelines.

Coming Up Taller Awards to Honor After-School and Out-of-
School Arts and Humanities Programs
Deadline: January 31, 2008
The Coming Up Taller Awards ( ) annually recognize and reward excellence in afterschool and out- of-school arts and humanities programs for underserved children and youth in the United States.
The awards support afterschool and out-of-school programs that are tangible examples of the power of the arts and the humanities to encourage young people's creativity and to provide them with learning opportunities, chances to contribute to their community, and ways to take responsibility for their own futures.
Programs initiated by museums, libraries, performing arts organi- zations, universities, colleges, arts centers, community service organizations, schools, businesses, and eligible government enti- ties are encouraged to consider participating.
All programs must be nominated, although self-nominations are accepted. Programs must have been operational since January 2004 for a minimum of five years, including 2008. Organizations must be nonprofit and tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code, a unit of state or local government, or a federally recognized tribal community.
Fifteen award recipients will receive $10,000 each, an individ- ualized plaque, and an invitation to attend the annual Coming Up Taller Leadership Enhancement Conference.
Visit the Coming Up Taller Web site for complete program guidelines, eligibility restrictions, and application procedures.


Multi-Arts Production Fund Offers Support for New Work in the
Performing Arts
Deadline: February 1, 2008
The Multi-Arts (MAP) Production Fund ( ), a program of Creative Capital ( ), supported by the Rockefeller Foundation ( ), seeks to assist artists who "are exploring the dynamics of live- performance within our changing society, thus reflecting our culture's innovation and growing diversity."
In keeping with the mandate of its founding organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, MAP seeks to support work that brings insight to the issue of cultural difference, be that in class, gender, generation, ethnicity, or tradition. MAP guidelines place a special emphasis on innovation, cross-cultural collaboration, and art that springs from cultural critique.
Applications for MAP support must come from U.S.-based organiza- tions that have current nonprofit 501(c)(3) status. Nonprofit artist-services organization may apply as fiscal sponsors on behalf of unincorporated artists or ensembles. Both the organiza- tion and the artists involved in a project must have a two-year history of professional activity. The fund supports only artistic projects that contain or will contain a live-performance compo- nent. Support may be applied to any phase of a project, up to and including its premiere run. The touring of completed projects is not eligible for MAP funding. MAP is especially interested in providing support for work early in its development.
Up to forty awards ranging from $10,000 to $45,000 each will be made. The average award amount is $22,000.
Completed applications may be sent electronically between January
1 and February 1, 2008. Visit the MAP Web site for complete program information and application procedures.



DATE: December 27, 2007
This addendum becomes a part of RFP No. HPF0708 titled: “Historic Preservation
Fund Guidelines and Application Forms FY 2007-2008.”
1. The deadline for submitting the submittals has been extended to April 25, 2008
by 2:00 pm. The location in which the submittals are to be delivered remains the
2. The deadline to submit questions in writing has been extended until March
28, 2008.
The other dates listed in the RFP will be shifting accordingly based on the extension of
the submittal deadline. The second addendum to this RFP will provide answers to the
questions received at the pre-submittal conference and any we have received in writing.
We are preparing an agenda item for our Board’s consideration that if approved will
impact this RFP and that is the reason for the two changes listed above.



United Way 2008-2010 Response Fund due Noon, Friday Jan 11, 2008
Florida Department of Cultural Affairs Culture Builds Florida due Feb 19, 2008 (new grant)

Let me know if Pegasus Consulting Group can assist you with your grant writing or editing needs. Contact Lisa at or 305-984-0404