Monday, August 10, 2009

Arts Grants in Crisis in Miami

Many articles and emails have recently documented the crisis in the arts for Miami-Dade County, with the Commission considering elimination of all grants to 400 organizations.

We have long appreciated the tremendous support given by the Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs, undoubtedly one of the best such departments in the country. Without this funding, many organizations that we all know and love will not be able to continue providing their important programs, affecting artists, administrators, patrons, and perhaps most importantly children served by education, outreach, afterschool and summer programs.

If you can, write your Commissioner to ask for continued funding for the Arts in Miami-Dade. I will continue to update as news is released.

Now is an important time to seek additional sources of funding. Please consider these valuable resources:
Fifty Funders
Simply Grant Writing

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