Consider a blog for your non-profit
If you don't have a blog for your non-profit organization, you are missing out on a tremendous, free opportunity for connecting with your supporters and raising money.
If you want to get started in blogging and don't know where to begin, contact me at for more information. Building blogs for customers is one of our new services at Pegasus Consulting Group, Inc.
RFP Announcement:
Miami Dade County Building Better Communities Historic Preservation Fund
The Request For Proposals for this fund will be made available on Monday, November 5, 2007. Please click here in order to be able to view and download the package.
A Historic Preservation Fund totaling $10 million will provide matching monies for eligible projects through grants to municipalities, organizations and individual property owners in the County for the purpose of rehabilitating historic sites and structures.
Dade Community Foundation deadline November 15, 2007. Contact me to proof or edit your application.
Grant Search Service:
If you haven't seen a grant announcement that suits your organization, ask about our grant search service. email or call 305-984-0404.
Lisa Merritt, President
Pegasus Consulting Group