Monday, October 29, 2007

Contact me at info@pegasuswriter if you need help applying for grants! <>
Kiwanis International Foundation

Through its matching grant program, the Kiwanis International Foundation provides grants to projects involving young children that further the goals and ideals of Kiwanis and promote the growth and development of Kiwanis in the area. Award ceiling: $10,000. Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations in the US with 501(c)(3) tax exemption status with proper liability insurance. Through its general grant program (, Kiwanis International Foundation provides grants to projects involving young children from Kiwanis clubs or Districts for Kiwanis only. Kiwanis-family sponsored programs are given top priority. Eligible organizations in the US must have 501(c)(3) tax exemption status with proper liability insurance. Award ceiling: $50,000. Application deadlines: July 15th, November 15th, and April 15th, annually (both programs). <>

Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids Foundation Grants

The Teammates for Kids Foundation accepts proposals for grants from nonprofit organizations that specialize in working with children in the areas of health, education and inner-city services. Eligible applicants are organizations with 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status with the IRS. 100% of grant monies received from the Teammates for Kids Foundation must be used exclusively for the benefit of children. Award ceiling: $50,000. Application deadline: open.